Friday, November 20, 2009


It's friday ... but not the beginning of the weekend for me. I've got a class from 6 to 9 tonight and from 9 to 12 tomorrow ...then I get 47 hours before my next class.

Tonight and tomorrow morning is my philosophy class. While it is far more interesting than I thought (and not nearly as hard on my blood pressure as I'd expected!) it is a difficult class.

It's amazing how much professors can change the educational process.

My psych professor drives me nuts.

My Biology professor I love and she's gone very quickly to the top of my all time favorite teachers ...beating out my high school favorite teach ..just under my Developmental & Social Psych professor (whom I liked so much I not only took those two classes from her ..but will take a Women's Studies class from her next semester) and my 7th grade math teacher who will always take that top spot!

My speech professor is awesome. I will, however, be glad when I'm done with her class. Grateful I took hers, but so glad it's almost over. This may have more to do with the subject matter than the professor teaching. ;o)

Back to Philosophy ... my instructor is very intelligent she likes to remind us 2 or 3 times per class ... and she has 3 doctorate degrees ... and going for her 4th. She reminds us each and every class period least once, if not more ...that she has a doctorate in languages (therefore the language barrier that we are, as her students, eperiencing doesn't really exist. It is impossible that we do not understand what she is asking of us ...because she has her doctorate in languages. Alrighty then!
We also must be learning a great deal because one of her doctorates is in education and the other in philosophy we have to be learning a lot ....right?

The most frustrating aspect is her behavior ... extremely hyperactive ... way over the top. I made jokes about it being manic. I thought I was joking ...till last weekend when she came into class and was so very depressed she was sucking the energy out of the room. (so ...she's either over the top sucking my energy because being with her is exhausting ... or so depressed you can't hardly move because there is no energy left ...)

I'm glad that there are only 4 classes left with her. I'm not sure how much more I can take.

Tomorrow, my 45th birthday will begin with my energy being zapped by this woman.

So glad hubby and I went to see Romeo and Juliet last night for a birthday celebration.


  1. happy birthday for tomorrow

    ummmmm maybe her own philosphy of loving and hating herself is sapping her energy. Take a stress ball in and squeeze it when she gets too much LOL

  2. we got out a hour early tonight. She is obviously getting bored with the subject ... she was reading today and actually said "blah blah blah" as she skimmed through 3 pages!

    Tomorrow we're going to spend an hour in the library and get out an hour early (which means she'll only teach for an hour WHOOT!)

  3. First off, if jumpinginpuddles is correct, Happy Birthday!

    Secondly, when a person reminds you constantly of their definitely makes a statement.
