Saturday, December 19, 2009

2 AM and not sleeping, so I'll blog instead.

Finals are over and another semester under my belt. The realization that I’m getting closer to my goal has not escaped me. I think I’m finally starting to not feel quite as embarrassed to just beginning my journey toward a degree.

I had some significant frustration with my philosophy class. 1) I'm desperately in need of more accountability and feed back during the semester. 2) it was just way too much work ... granted, had I done the portfolio assignments each week, it would have been a no brainer.

I'm a last minute person, so putting it off was what comes naturally. However, when the class ended, all I had to go on was nothing.
My professor, from Lebbenon, was quite interesting. We tried to tell her we didn't understand what she was wanting in the portfolio. Her response was that we *had* to understand, becausae there is no lanugage barrier because she has a doctorate in languages. UGH

I finished the semester strong. After a full semester of sweating out Personality Theories, I came out swinging. I got an A ...with a 97.5%! A full 300 pts on the paper (out of 300) 97 out of a hundred on the presentation and 100% on the final.

I'm very much looking forward to next semester and all the psychology classes. Women's Studies, Adult psych and child psych. Intermediat algebra as well.

Somehow, my body knows when it's all over. I crash and burn every semester ..the last 2 during finals, this semester in less than 24 hours of finishing, I started to crash. Sometimes, I really hate having myasthenia and lupus.

1 comment:

  1. we did a year of womens studies and loved it, we are glad you are looking forward to your next new classes.

    We are reading sophies world right now have you heard of it?
